Monday, 21 May 2007

WorkShop PIT J PT. Kaltim Prima Coal

in front of dump truck

between big tyres


Almighty Demiurge said...

car look very big.

p said...

whoah that's one huge truck

Anonymous said...

Anjrit, gede banget!!! :D
eh kasih tau download-monkey deh, dia suka truk2 gede gtu

Dyahermanto said...

its not the biggest bros...

Roys! said...

wow it's a big one - didn't know that they have such trucks in Indonesia ... always thought they exist in America and South America only :(

Anonymous said...

gw cuma mo blng...dari sekian byk foto gk bisa nemuin wajah kamu...habis klian dah kaya kembar srikandi hehehehe palagi klo dah pake topi rugby ah gelap :D